We attended the Jones reunion and had a great time. I didn't have very many pictures to show for it.
Addi also turned 2 this month. Everytime she would see a bike she would tell me that she wanted to ride one. and I would have to tell her, "i'm sorry Addi, you don't have one to ride." So of course, that was the perfect gift for her birthday. Along with a new easel and many more fun prizes. She was in heaven when brennon walked in with the bike. She was very excited this year to blow out her candles and could hardly wait.
Addi also got her first hair cut. A big thanks to Aunt Kelsie for doing a fabulous job. I was a little worried that her curls would be cut off. That was definitly not the case as you can see in the picture.
Bren and I made a quick weekend trip to Las Vegas. We left Addi with her grandparents. We had a great relaxing time. We saw the Lion King while we were there , did some shopping, and spent some time walking the strip.
My mom let Addi and I join her on her trip to visit my Brother and his family in Georgia. We had a great time. I hadn't been out since they have lived there. Addi had a great time with her cousins. We had to pack the three carseats in the back of their van so that we could all travel together. I was not very good at taking pictures. Luckily, my Mom and Ali were. We did a lot of fun things while we were there, including touring the CNN center and going to a Braves game.
Over memorial day we went to the zoo. Bren and I hadn't been there for a long time. Addi seemed to enjoy it but I think she will like it a lot more once she is one year older. definitly hope to make it a yearly trip.
In june we attended the manti pagent with bren's family.
I had never been. We had a fun time.